
Table Red Wine in a Box

- $-55.00
  • $55.00


TABLE - Caliifornia Red Wine - Central Coast AVA - 3L Box

These days, we love a supremely drinkable and light red wine. TABLE comes through with a fruit salad vibe. But not a fruit salad like your Auntie used to make. Think of sliced strawberry, a little forced rhubarb and maybe a julienned red apple peel, orange blossoms on top to keep it interesting. Served with a chill, TABLE is an absolute delight of freshness. Light, bright, and ready to be a dance partner to whatever food graces your plate on your kitchen table, picnic table, dining table, coffee table…..

12.3% ABV / One Box =  Four Bottles / Serve Chilled

Winemaker: Andrew Jones